Hyukjoon Kwon
Imperial College
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Thursday Oct 22, 2020 / 09:00-09:30 CEST
Quantum Entropy Production and Fluctuation Theorems for Quantum Channels
Fluctuation theorems set the cornerstone for describing the statistical properties of classical non-equilibrium thermodynamics based on the principle of microscopic reversibility.
We show that the fluctuation theorems, which are normally considered for thermodynamic processes, can be a powerful tool to study the detailed statistics of quantum systems as well as the effect of coherence transfer through an arbitrary quantum process.
To this end, we establish the symmetry relation between transition probabilities under a given quantum channel and its reverse channel defined by the Petz recovery map. In our framework, the notion of entropy production is extended to the quantum regime by allowing it to have a complex-value. The imaginary part of entropy production plays a crucial role in characterising the evolution of coherence through the quantum channel, as well as deriving the second law from the quantum fluctuation theorem.
Our results can be applied to understand the dissipation and fluctuation of various quantum resources, including quantum free energy, asymmetry, and entanglement in a unified framework. We also discuss how these fluctuating quantum quantities, including the imaginary entropy production, can be experimentally observed.
Hi Hyukjoon,
If I understood correctly, you write this Jarzynski-like equality and then with the multivariate trave inequalities of Sutter et al, you derive the data processing inequality for CPTP maps. Does this mean you are providing a new proof of this statement? Is it simpler than previous ones? Or how similar is your proof, and your FT, to expressions that appear in Theorem 4.1 and Corollary 4.2 here? https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.03023 I dont think I have understood the meaning of this FT, maybe this helps clarify.